About Golden Egg Check

Golden Egg Check is a player in the middle of the startup, scale-up and investor ecosystem. We look at startups, investors and venture capital with an analytical view. We help startups validate their plan and increase their investor readiness. And if it makes sense for both parties, we put startups in touch with relevant investors and corporates, and vice versa.

We believe in transparency of the startup-journey, and the ecosystem. We like to share, and connect with enthusiasts. We try to guide early stage ideas through Launchplatform, but are just as happy to help startups and scale-ups ready for their first or next investment round. Through services, insights, software and initiatives like StartupRoulette, in which we frequently organise events to match startups with investors? Looking for these parties? Our software and services will help you select the winners of tomorrow.

Why a partnership with VU Entrepreneurship & Impact?

Golden Egg Check profiles itself as a hybrid consultant that is constantly looking to make connections within the Dutch startup ecosystem, where mutual value creation is always central. Ultimately, the entire society benefits from innovations of Dutch origin, all the more reason to give every startup concept a fair chance. The upcoming student generation is bursting with good startup ideas, but not every starter knows how to give these ideas shape. Combining our online business plan platform with the already existing programme; Amsterdam Startup Launch of the VU Entrepreneurship in collaboration with Roland Berger, fits together perfectly. The Amsterdam Startup Launch initiative is a unique opportunity for aspiring founders to validate their business idea under the guidance of professionals and get to know the Dutch startup ecosystem. We are proud to be a digital facilitator, to be part of the programme and to guide the startup journey of these entrepreneurs as efficiently as possible.

More about Golden Egg Check: Send Gilles Meijer a message via gilles@goldeneggcheck.com. Or check the website.