Looking for funding for your innovative business idea?

The Willem Hovy Fund aims to offer enterprising students the (financial) space to contribute to the major challenges we face with innovative solutions. This fits in with the VU mission to work on sustainable solutions with social impact through value-driven education and research.

Students with entrepreneurial aspirations are struggling. We see that many of them have good ideas and innovative solutions to pressing social problems, but do not take the step towards entrepreneurship. Thus, good ideas remain on the shelf and society misses the opportunity for innovative solutions to today’s crises and tomorrow’s vital world.

Funding: Willem Hovy Fund helps aspiring entrepreneurs!

The Willem Hovy Fund supports VU students (BSc, MSc and PhD) and recent alumni (<12 m) in the first steps of setting up a business. With money, but also with mentoring and networking. Funding: Willem Hovy Fund helps realise a better world.

Aspiring entrepreneurs

Are you interested in applying? Contact us and who knows, you might receive a gift from the fund. Send us a motivated mail or drop by at the VU StartHub.

Alumni who want to help

Do you think it’s important for young entrepreneurs to get a flying start? Through a modest amount of money, mentoring and access to your network? This could be the final push for aspiring entrepreneurs to go for it! After all, there is a lot of pressure on graduates to start working, both from their families, because of their study debt and because of the pull from the business world. Even better when you also want to share your experience and open up your network to the entrepreneur! Contact Kaat Burbidge or Hans Drenth at VU Amsterdam by e-mail and we will make an appointment.