About Widows4Widows

Widows4Widows was created out of need, a real social enterprise. Through our app we offer comfort, support and navigate widows and widowers through the chaos of their new reality after the loss of their loved one. The Community connects, provides recognition and a social network. Based on 4 pillars, dedicated online and offline events, services and products are offered on the platform. The 4 pillars ara: body & mind, finance & admin, back to work, leisure & pleasure.

Founder Astrid van Heumen realised that she, like all those other widows and widowers, was reinventing the wheel. She took up the challenge and created Widows4Widows, based on her personal- and work experiences. Together with her tech team, she is working to create a reliable ‘one stop shop’ where professionals and specialists provide support to widows and widowers. Widows4Widows a trusted advisor, who helps you embrace life to the full again.

Read more about us on our website.


Why we chose the VU StartHub

StartHub is an inspiring ‘know it all’ environment where I can share my experiences in addition to my questions. Next to a sounding board, Widows4Widows receives an intelligent boost and a serious encouragement to experience the adventure, driven and supported with positive energy it all looks within reach to realise my dreams and provides opportunities to fulfil given expectations.