About Impact
Impackt turns your recycling hurdles into competitive advantages. Eliminating the idea of waste by connecting circularity with customer loyalty, every package deserves an infinite life. The only business which connects circularity with brand loyalty.
Impackt solves two problems. The first problem relates to the recycling of plastic packaging. The second problem stems from companies’ marketing insights. The Impackt platform aims to solve both problems with a consumer application and partner dashboard. The result, a clean and sorted plastic stream ready for recycling. The PET deposit system learns that a small incentive changes behaviour for good. The consumer application rewards consumer with a coupon when they return their empty packaging in for recycling, our sustainable way of brand loyalty. Brands will gain consumer and recycling insights which they can use to target their audience and stimulate them to become more sustainable.
Nowadays, society recognizes this recycling problem. By 2030 all plastic needs to be produced circular huge changes need to be taken. The public, NGOs and Governments take action, for example Paris 2050, Plastic Pact, Plastic Soup Foundation, or the Ocean CleanUp. Within the next years Impackt aims to become the chain orchestra of the plastic packaging industry.
Why the VU StartHub?
It is in our identity; Im-packt, reconnecting broken alliances in the packaging industry. In other words, Impackt represents the establishment of partnerships. By working together, the circular economy can be realised. The VU StartHub offers us this beautiful cooperation at an early stage, a unique opportunity which we grasp with both hands. Besides that we can learn a lot from other startups and the environment of the startHub will lift us to a higher level as well.
Details and more information can be found on our website. Interested in the future of recycling, send an mail to bouwe@impackt.app